Cam Buchan


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What We offer

Opportunity to enjoy training

Using a unique combination of strength and cardio that one can only experience using rowing. Here in the Yamsquad we aim to help further your goals through focusing on enjoyment. Proven to lead to better consistency and in turn result in a higher potential for success. We focus on rowing because it is such a fantastic way to improve both mental and physical health. Incorporating over 80% of the body’s muscles in one exercise means that we can work on almost all goals with just one exercise!


yamsquad athlete

Sign up today to start your sustainable training journey and bring more enjoyment to your fitness regime.

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Cam has delivered challenging and thoughtful training blocks that have prepared me well for timed pieces along the way. The results have been astonishing in terms of my erging performance but also, according to the bloodwork ordered by my doctor, my health has improved dramatically. Cam’s attention to detail is second to none and his enthusiasm is so contagious I have even taken up rowing on the water. At 55 years old I I have discovered a passion for erging and rowing and a drive within me that I did not know existed.
I could not be more pleased with the results from the training program Cameron has designed for me! My conditioning has improved significantly and I continue to see improved scores across the board! I also enjoy working with Cameron very much. He is very knowledgeable from a technical standpoint and incredibly positive and enthusiastic and committed as a coach!
— Simon, Quebec, Canada
I’ve been in the YamSquad program for over a year now, and it’s been very effective to improve my fitness level. It has been both fun and reasonably challenging. Cam has always been available to help me navigate the program and adjust it to my particular needs. He has also been a constant source of inspiration. I’m definitely continuing with the program into the foreseeable future.
— Frank, WA, USA
I wanted to get fit using my rowing machine that I purchased for my home. I found Cam and his training programs through Youtube. Even after only a short time I was feeling fitter and stronger and even joined a local rowing club where I can show off my new fitness
— Isabelle, Spain



I’ll only give Yamsquad athletes my quality time. I never compromise quality for time and give Yamsquad athletes realistic schedules and programs that accommodate their lives. I strive for honest accountability, which is, of course, a two way street. I will give you my best as I get your best in return.


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About Me


I have rowed for over a decade and been an athlete for over two. I began rowing after a successful junior career in basketball representing GB at the U20 level. After finding rowing after basketball I received a scholarship to attend Northeastern University in Boston, USA. After being in some of the most successful boats NU has had in decades I joined Leander Club and subsequently the British rowing team. In 2018 I was diagnosed with glandular fever and overtraining, ever since I have been on a mission to improve myself both on and off the water, both mentally and physically. Using the lessons I have learned the hard way I hope to show as many people I can what can be done by training sustainably.